Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Up By 1

Things has turned out great for this blog, well personally. I haven't got the time to update this on a regular basis and at times I get very lazy dropping cards. But Google has been kind and despite the little attention that I have spent on this blog, its PR still went up from 1 to 2.

To add, this blog has recently been approved by PPP! That entails another stream of online income. Although it may not come very handful, still income is income, right?

Well, to further boost this blog's worth, it has to have its own domain. I have been thinking of getting one for this blog and until now it still remains a thought. I have to lay down the pros and cons first before I venture to another level. Of course, having my own domain would cost me money as well as web hosting.

Talking about web hosting, there's still so much I have to learn about it in order to fully understand it and be able to know its technicalities. There are a lot of web host providers and sure, they are all great in their own right. But how can I be sure that I get my money's worth if I get their services? That remained a question until I stumbled upon

At Web Hosting Rating, web host providers were rated by customers based on their satisfaction on the technical support, affordability and reliability extended. All providers were ranked based on the ratings given, and so I could really see the difference. Web hosting rating sites are really helpful for a part-time blogger like me who still needs to explore a lot about the world wide web. One could search a web hosting provider through their directory, which returns complete details and information.

Plus, they have lots of articles to offer which are truly insightful and enlightening.


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