Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Random Tidbits

No more PR?

What happened to this blog's PR? It used to be PR2 now it's N/A (waaahhhh!!). I don't know what N/A means to Google, but I think this is much worse than a PR 0. Oh my, what shall I do? Am I penalized or something? What have I done wrong? Seems like there's a lot of questions left unanswered.

Kimono Dress

Nevertheless, I hope in time Google would take notice again and give back this blog's PR. But for the meantime, I am so excited on my purchase at eBay - - a kimono dress. I am not yet sure if the dress would really fit me. But what the heck? Here's a pic over at the seller's post.


Just in case you are not busy with things, take time to fill out this survey from Dneero!


Bob Johnson said...

I have a pr 4, just started entrecard, I'm thinking it has to do with that, we will see at the next adjustment whether mine goes down or not.

treasure chest said...

oh well,if that is the case, then what shall be the great option? I'm really hoping that Google will give back my PR soon, hehe!

thanks for dropping by Mr. Bob!

Blogger said...

When I click on my google tool bar, it says you are a 4?

Still hope I'm a 3, I'd better check!

treasure chest said...

wow really? now i'm beginning to love your tool bar, haha!

Anonymous said...

I found out with one of my blogs that my permalink structure had broken, so whenever anyone clicked on one of my old posts they got sent to a 404 page. Once I fixed that, the PR returned and then when the last update was done, it also increased.

Anonymous said...

Just as a overview of PR. You really need to have a disclaimer page since you review products. Google will slap you for not having one.

A sitemap is also necessary. Don't know if Blogger automatically does one of those or not.


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